All Classes and Interfaces

Spring Boot application entry point for Link.
Automatically detected when the Spring Boot application starts up.
Sets the security for the API component, requiring authentication for most methods using `PreAuthTokenHeaderFilter`
Finds references to invalid code systems and replaces them with valid code systems
Moves any contained resources from resources retrieved from the EHR to the top-lavel of patient data
Populates the Location.type with the first value from Location.identifier
Changes the Encounter.status to "finished" if the Encounter has an end date
NOTE: Additions/changes to this class should be modified in FhirBundler and TenantController
FhirJsonSerializer<T extends org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>
Ensures that Period.start has the same precision as Period.end
Looks for resources that have an ID with more than 64 characters and replaces it with a hash of the ID.
Used for creating a hash of (for example) passwords.
Filters out resources (MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest, Specimen, Condition) if the date of the resource is outside the reporting period
This class creates a master measure report based on every individual report generated for each patient included in the "census" list..
Automatically invoked by spring boot during application start up.